The Pages Haven’t Run Out Yet


The Pages Haven’t Run Out Yet is a story of hope and healing that is sure to keep you engaged and encouraged. rafted from the pages of her childhood journals, Grace Garnett revisits the darkest places in her past, her candid voice refusing to shy away from any of the brutal details.

She chronicles the twists and turns of her testimony, choosing to honor her story by baring it in its entirety. Struggling to cope with the absence of her father, sexual molestation, generational curses, and family secrets, Garnett drifted into a journey of looking for love in all the wrong places.

This book is not only her testimony of the misguided love she sought, but is also a reflection of her spiritual path towards finding the right type of love through Christ. Once lost, Garnett is now an evangelist proving that, with focus and determination, purpose triumphs tragedy every time.
