The Medical Moguls Formula, Vol 2


Upon graduating from medical school and residency, most doctors find themselves prepared to practice medicine yet unprepared to monetize their knowledge and successfully run their own business. But what if cardiologists, gynecologists, pediatricians, internists, family medicine physicians, and other specialists were able to learn how to maximize their medical degree, develop a winning mindset, and create a successful business template?

In The Medical Moguls Formula, Volume 2: A Guide to Starting a Physician Business, America’s OBGYN Dr. Drai is back with twenty-seven Medical Moguls to reveal how they finally pushed past doubt, fear, and other challenges to launch thriving businesses. Having rediscovered themselves through the Medical Mogul Academy, these doctors are doling out their Medical Mogul Formula to show you how to masterfully take the leap from physician to physician entrepreneur! If you are truly ready to gain access to their winning combination of knowledge, expertise, and experience, this anthology is the gateway to your success story.

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